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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Res. 21-11 Expenditures 4/13/2021 Special
Res. 21-10 Expenditures 3/9/2021 Special
Res. 21-09 Authorizes administrative officer to execute per capita contribution interlocal agreements 2/9/2021 Not codified
Res. 21-08 Recognition of service 2/9/2021 Special
Res. 21-07 Designates agent for federal and/or state emergency or disaster assistance funds 2/9/2021 Special
Res. 21-06 Expenditures 2/9/2021 Special
Res. 21-05 Recognition of staff and volunteers for efforts during COVID-19 pandemic 1/19/2021 Special
Res. 21-04 Board of Health rules of procedure; rescinds Res. 18-03 1/19/2021 Special
Res. 21-03 Recognition of service 1/19/2021 Special
Res. 21-02 Recognition of service 1/19/2021 Special
Res. 21-01 Expenditures 1/19/2021 Special
Res. 20-31 Expenditures 12/8/2020 Special
Res. 20-30 Budget 12/8/2020 Special
Res. 20-29 Authorizes use of unreserved general funds for COVID-19-related expenditures 12/8/2020 Special
Res. 20-28 Administrative waiver of late fees for permit renewals 12/8/2020 Special
Res. 20-27 Intent to continue naxolone coordination and tracking 11/10/2020 Special
Res. 20-26 Expenditures 11/10/2020 Special
Res. 20-25 Rescinds Res. 19-15; authorizes signers for Health District bank and investment accounts 11/10/2020 Repealed by 22-24
Res. 20-24 Environmental health fee schedule 10/13/2020 Special
Res. 20-23 Budget 10/13/2020 Special
Res. 20-22 Expenditures 10/13/2020 Special
Res. 20-21 Expenditures 9/8/2020 Special
Res. 20-20 Expenditures 8/11/2020 Special
Res. 20-19 Supports formation of a public benefit nonprofit charitable corporation/foundation to provide funding for public health priorities 8/11/2020 Special
Res. 20-18 Expenditures 7/14/2020 Special