1. Chair
(a) The Board shall elect a Chair from its membership in January of each year. The Chair shall serve for a period of one (1) year. In the event of vacancy occurring, the Vice Chair shall fill the unexpired term of office.
(b) The Chair shall preside at the meetings of the District Board of Health, and shall perform such other duties as custom and parliamentary procedure require.
2. Vice Chair
(a) There shall be elected from the members of the Board a Vice Chair in January of each year. The Vice Chair shall serve for a period of one (1) year. In the event of a vacancy occurring, a new Vice Chair shall be elected from the same group to fill the unexpired term of office.
(b) The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence or inability to perform.
3. Health Officer
(a) The Board shall appoint a Health Officer who shall be a qualified physician, experienced and trained in public health administration, and who shall meet all the minimum requirements for such Health Officer pursuant to Chapter 70.05 RCW presently and as hereinafter amended. The Health Officer shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve under the direction of the administrative officer described in (V)(4) below. The Health Officer’s compensation shall be fixed annually. The Health Officer may be an employee of Snohomish Health District and employed pursuant to an employment agreement or may serve under the terms of an agreement for services.
(b) The Health Officer shall be responsible for the performance or delegation of such duties as prescribed for the local health officer pursuant to Chapter 70.05 RCW, as well as perform or delegate such duties designated by and under the functions of the Board and shall be responsible to the Board for the action of the Health Officer.
4. Administrative Officer
(a) Pursuant to RCW 70.05.040 and RCW 70.05.045 the Board shall appoint an administrative officer who shall act as Executive Secretary and administrative officer for the Board and shall be responsible for administration of the operations of the Board, including such other administrative duties required by the Board or established by resolution or adopted in a written job description, except for duties assigned to the Health Officer as enumerated in RCW 70.05.050 and other applicable state law.
5. Attorney
The Board may appoint an attorney whose duties shall be to advise and to assist in all legal matters.